Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

You may discover the best catering service and simple online ordering procedures here. We provide a variety of catering food to all kinds of occasions, including private parties, corporate cocktail, a
c飲食 / 到會carmenfung0923

Class IV high power laser light show special effects graphics and live laser animation. Professional high power laser rentals provided to film shoots, concert tours, trade shows, corporate events
表演藝術 / 設備出租Custom International Laser Light Show Rental

Atelier de Fleur is a floral design company and we offer various floral arrangement services and products 1. Flower deco for wedding and corporate events 2. Floral bouquets 3. Bridal accessories
鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Atelier De Fleur

珠海橫琴:第二個貝莎灣珠海版  港珠澳大橋:第一站海景豪宅,直望港澳人工島公寓低至30萬一套首期最低3萬,50萬兩房!國際級遊艇碼頭:法國法拉帝遊艇亞太總部粵港澳首席國際遊艇住宅區 橫琴灣一號&華髮傾力打造&珠海第一大豪宅5分鐘車程,直上港珠澳大橋10分鐘,步行到橫琴關口,到澳門35分鐘,穿梭巴士回香港100米,步行至輕軌&橫琴金融站生活•配套
T物業地產 / 住宅買賣Taylor蘇生

Photobooth rental services available for Corporate events, Private parties,Weddings, Engagements and all other occasions. Interested parties please whatsapp 97950501 us for pricing

Series outlining the major Bible prophecies regarding our present day. Your understanding of current events will change your world view. Discover "antichrist" and "USA role in end time events".

Limitless One-Stop Design + Print + Photoshoot/Videoshoot, also audio & lighting for events, custom-made props etc all you need.

YannieSZE 擁有豐富化妝及時裝造型經驗,服務包括新娘化妝、報紙雜誌、Events、時尚品牌拍攝、演唱會及時裝表演化妝等,同時亦擁有多個國際化妝文憑資格。
Y結婚 / 化妝及髮型YannieSZEMakeup

M5 Academy 的合唱班適合 6-8 歲(初級)和 9-12 歲(中級)學生,歌曲涵蓋各式主題音樂,包括迪士尼音樂、節日音樂、百老匯音樂劇;學院將會定期舉辦演出活動,給予學生發展潛力的演出機會。

送pre-owned PEAVEY Bass Amp, 鼓棍, 即買即玩 大埔區自取, 任試. 此鼓主機部份運作100%正常, 收音部份如cymbal擦片等, 因屬損耗品, 音色當然不能和全新品比較, 合初學者練習
g音樂 / 器材買賣goldretr11

位於金巴利Hotel & Mira Hotel中間, 鬧中取靜, 高檔安全居家.門口機場接駁巴士坐至帝文帝娜Hotel.九龍站下快線,離尖沙嘴地鐵步行五分鐘.傢私全,屋況佳,隨時至3F服務台看屋; 公共健身房,會客室,洗衣間, 自付鐘點工清潔.長短租可議; 可售,(售HKD680萬)

專業音樂現場演奏服務- 提供包括: 婚禮(戶內/戶外), 宴會, 各行業EVENTS, 音樂會, 機構, 團體, 學校演出, 商場演出等。*全部樂手均有豐富演奏出經驗和持有演奏級證書/文憑
結婚 / 婚禮演奏KimmyGuitar

Douglas Business School is a premier executive conference venue in Tsimshatsui East, with modern and well-furnished conference and seminar room for your corporate events, meetings, conferences, fairs

laser logo display sky laser show rental installation sales production services laser light shows corporate events film concert tours government research design laser Tribal Existance Productions
設計 / 設計優惠Custom International Laser Light Show Rental

正常使用6年痕跡 一切正常 家中無位平售 大圍試鼓 請whatsapp 92581916 td-9k spec: http://www.rolandtaiwan.com.tw/merchandise/merchandise_detail/data/roland/tw/legacy/td-9k/ pm-10 spec: http://www.roland.com/products/pm-10/spe
買賣及批發 / 樂器及其他周年發詠春拳館

音樂 / 樂隊、藝人及樂師Hong Kong Keyboard Art Centre

結婚 / 婚禮演奏SAI events

婚禮及宴會統籌,司儀,歌手,演員,廣播員,廣告旁白,攝影攝錄,化妝髮型,場地佈置,花球,任何設計:Logo, 佈景, 喜帖
結婚 / 婚禮統籌SAI events
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